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Mapping the way
for mission-driven organizations

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Geospatial science

Over 15 years of experience creating, collecting, and managing spatial data with remote sensing and GIS software packages

Devices icon

Web mapping

Designing and developing web applications for visualizing, managing, and distributing spatial data and cartographic products

Training icon

Training and documentation

Leading technical trainings and producing easy-to-use documentation for geospatial analysis and web apps

Geospatial science

  • Cartographic product design
  • Rule-based image classification for land cover analysis
  • LIDAR data processing, especially for hydrologic models
  • Python scripting for automating tedious tasks, typically with arcpy, Pandas, and R
  • ArcGIS 10.x, ENVI, QGIS, Whitebox GAT, GDAL/OGR
Prioritization map for imperiled species in the Northeast United States

Prioritizing habitat for imperiled species

Working with a network of state and federal agencies, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations to empower environmental professionals with maps

Four thumbnails of land cover classification maps and aerial imagery in Baltimore

Green Infrastructure in Baltimore

Produced and documented three geospatial technology resources to help guide, expand, and strengthen the network of green infrastructure in the Greater Baltimore Wilderness region

Web mapping

  • Responsive single page and multi-page web map applications
  • Data visualization and asset managment
  • HTML/CSS/JS, WordPress, React.j, NextJS
  • ArcGIS JS API, Mapbox, Carto, Leaflet
User interface next to map of farm and simulated water movement

Restoration Reports

Providing environmental professionals a new tool to help land owners understand how water moves across their property and encourage adoption of best management practices

Dots on map of the Chesapeake Bay colored either green, yellow, or red, depending on how good the water quality is at that sample

Visualizing water quality

Helping community members understand how healthy their watershed is by visualizing years of sampling data

Training and documentation

  • Written technical documentation
  • Classroom-based and virtual training
  • Conference and workshop presentation
  • Adobe creative suite, Loom, iorad
Screenshot of online documentation

Online resources

Online tutorial for using a custom asset management application developed for the largest land trust in Maryland

Colin giving a training

Classroom setting

Training given to the York County, PA Stormwater Consortium on a new web application developed to track stormwater projects


To learn







Things I can do

Product management

GIS & remote sensing analysis

Node, Redux/React, NextJS, Python, R

Requirements gathering and scoping

Technical writing, presentation, and training

Adobe Creative Suite